Professional Development Services

UYES Consulting

Executive Coaching vs Leadership Coaching: Understanding the Difference

In today’s fast-paced business world, executives and leaders alike often seek out coaching to gain an extra edge. But with the overlap between executive coaching and leadership coaching, it’s common to get the two confused.

What exactly is executive coaching and how does it differ from leadership coaching? What benefits can you expect and what does the process involve?

This guide will demystify executive coaching so you can determine if it’s the right investment for reaching your leadership goals.

What is Executive Coaching?

Executive coaching is a personalized development program catered specifically to business and organization executives. Through one-on-one sessions with an expert coach over 4 to 6 months, executives gain valuable perspective and feedback to enhance their leadership abilities.

The focus is on strengthening capabilities needed in upper management like:

It’s common for an executive coach to use assessments and 360-degree feedback to customize the experience to the client’s unique goals. The overarching aim is to unlock an executive’s full leadership potential.

What Results Can You Expect From Executive Coaching?

Successful executive coaching delivers a multitude of benefits for corporate leaders and their organizations. These include:

In essence, executive coaching accelerates leadership development to amplify business impact. Studies show roughly 70% of organizations see positive ROI from executive coaching programs.

What's the Cost of Executive Coaching?

Given the highly personalized nature of executive coaching, prices are based on goals and packaged for multiple months.

Factors impacting executive coaching costs include the coach’s level of experience, client industry, and geographic location. Group programs also offer a budget-friendly option.

While not cheap, the payoff in enhanced leadership abilities, career growth and reduced stress make the investment worthwhile.

The Key Differences Between Executive and Leadership Coaching

While some principles overlap, critical differences exist between executive and leadership coaching:

So in summary, executive coaching deals with higher-level leadership challenges specific to running an organization. Leadership coaching builds foundational skills for effectively managing people and processes.

Follow these steps to kick off your executive coaching experience strong:

Investing in your own growth through transformational executive coaching empowers you to unlock powerful benefits for your career, team, and entire organization.

Start reaching your leadership potential today!

UYES Consulting isn’t just a name—it’s a promise. A promise to support and uplift leaders like you who are lighting up this world, through better organizational leadership.

Founded by Tammy McKinney, a powerhouse who’s seen it all (from global business redesigns in major corporations to intimate workshops about real leadership challenges), UYES brings the experts with years spent understanding what truly makes leaders tick, and more importantly, thrive.